Using Fill-in-the-Blank Knowledge Check Question for ANY Response

Jun 19, 2021

I have two instances in a mini-course where I want the learner to just type in  their own answer fill-in-the-blank style using a Knowledge Check. How can I make it such that any answer is noted as correct? Is there some sort of delimiter symbol that should go there in Acceptable Answer ? Now, their own answer comes up as Incorrect.  Is there a different mechanism I should be using to have a place in the course where the learner can type in their own response?

21 Replies
Renz Sevilla

Hi Margaret! We're tracking requests for an ungraded open-answer knowledge check block. I've added you to this list and will contact you if anything changes on this!

For now, I can suggest using a Storyline block for an ungraded essay question if you don't require the learners' responses for the LMS to be recorded. Another way is to use an Embed block and Google forms so that you can record the answers submitted for the ungraded fill-in-the-blank questions.

Let us know if you need any help with this for your Rise lesson!

Carol Yenger

I would like this feature as well. This with a feedback message of the 'ideal' answer allows the learner to compare their answer with the ideal.

I have a similar need in Rise. During this module, it is writing concise message. As part of the steps, I give them a message and have them rewrite it to be clear and concise. After submitting it, I'd like their rewrite to appear on the left the ideal rewritten message next to it -all of this under the original message. That way they can see all three pieces and compare their message to the ideal. I'd also like to capture their response for analysis and trends. They may come up with a better answer!

Trent McNeeley

I am practically desperate for something like this. And something that lets users choose multiple options even from a checklist. For example, "Question: How would you describe yourself?" And then a checklist of possible options that could include various races, ethnicities, religions, genders, ages, etc. 

Chris Roetzer

+1 for this feature, I've been toying with a FITB knowledge check Q for the last few minutes to allow any or no response typed so that I can simply reveal the "Our thoughts" as feedback on any response. But it always comes back "Incorrect"... Your developers could make this happen without much effort, let's get 'er done Articulate! TY!